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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
These few days really really very busy, cos Sec 4 this still got a lot of homework. My CIE assignment still havent do finish, very stress le. This morning wake up late then almost late for school. HENG AH!!! Lessons in school are getting more and more boring. .....To make things worse it rain today. Luckily for me amos mother fetch me go home then on the way tlk about a lot of things like d gray man and etc. Then reach study a few minutes of japanese as today is the test. Sure pass la. D gray man episode 65 come up on youtube already, wah the ちょめ介 look very the c.... Wah but then she is an akuma. This sat is CCA maze, must get more sec 1s to join us so must make it .

10:32 PM

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Today first day of school, very excited cannot sleep properly last night. This morning 5.30am wake up then just lie down on my bed and wait until 6.00am.I reach school about 7.00am then go hang banner and after talk to amos for a while, then morning assembly start. Everything still the same but then today quite long. After that go back classroom then hear teacher says a few words, then the worst part. Last year Class management committe no change. Wah another year of class chairman for me. After that go hall, do a lot of funny funny thing, but the good thing about my school is that today we are dismiss at 10.30am. Wah very early. Go eating with my friend, ray then saw my sec ones, this year sec twos. Just my luck. Aiya. After eating go hougang hang around for about 2 hours to wait for my friends from HIHS to come out. Take a freaking long time. I wait at a bridge there. Then suddenly got somebody step on my pants. What the ......, just my luck. A indian step my pants and just say sorry like dont want to say like this. I also dunno how he can come and step my pants. After my friends come out, we go to at first is Mac then dunno how go to Ichiban Sushi. Wah. We go there discuss about something. Then after go back home and slack.

This my choing ah!!!!!!!

11:42 PM

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Wah very tired after going some countdown party. Dancing, eating and shouting. Very fun i must say. After today then brings 2008. Oh my god 'O' level this year. Very the stress but you know what they will say. Happy New year and hope your wishes come true. So this is where the real battle begins. Hope all of you all get what you wanted.

3:02 AM

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wah sian school is going to start liao, whats more next year is 'O' level. Next year will be very stress. AAAAAAAAAAA, so these fews days must enjoy to the fullest. HAHAHA

1:06 AM

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Hohoho Merry Christmas Everybody.
Today wah stay until 1 am also havent sleep. Wah feel damm good.
O ya forgot i thing
amos don't be so cocky, don't think that you all noah damm strong ok. We Exorcists and General also can fight with you all noah. There are always this saying evil cannot win good.

1:04 AM

Monday, December 24, 2007
Today something cool happen. Wah damm freaking cool la. When i was eating prata with my father at this famous jalan Kayu roti prata restuarant. Lightning strike maybe a lightbulb or something not sure what it is, after got something like an explosion. Wah damm loud and somemore got the spark wah damm cool. First time in my life that i have seen this kind of thing.

Today yi jing recommed this funny japanese prank, very funny this is the link

1:14 AM

Saturday, December 22, 2007
The assignment that i am doing is killing me. A lot of things to do on thatassignment so i didnt do my holiday homework. HAHAHA. When the schools then i die. Nevermind, if anyone do finish already let me copy. haha. Today night amos invited daniel tam, ho and me to his church for some celebrations, dunno what it is called. Quite fun i must say. We sing songs, say prayer and play games. The food was nice, i and daniel tam was like eating like we never eat before in our lives. HAHAHA. After that was present exchange, we put the presents we brought and put it into this huge sock that is red in colour. i get a puzzle that is 500 pieces and amos got a eeyore. Very Cute. After i have to do my assignment so...........

12:15 AM

Teo Poh Wei aka General Cross
Classchairman of Secondary 4 Charles
born on 13th August 1992
*Things that i like
Medals of the SAF
ocean 欧得洋 songs
Republic of singapore air force
father, mother, sister, her and all the st.john members
and last of all my country singapore

Subjects taken
A and E maths
Pure Physics
Combined Science
Chinese and english
Combined humanities


May koh
Mindy yee
Nicholas Goh aka General Bladez
Daniel Tam
Chin yee
